Approaching First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Data with Visual Empathy
Toronto Metropolitan University
Addressing the Burden of Addiction in the Service Industry
An Inclusive Name and Website for Canada's Largest Union
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
Unique Visual Storytelling Articulates an Organizational Strategy
Women’s College Hospital: Maternal Ontario Virtual Intervention Network (MOVIN)
A Virtual Intervention Network to Treat Maternal Mental Illness
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
Designing Curated Content for an Expert Healthcare Audience
Canadian Digestive Health Foundation
The Human Microbiome: Storytelling and Motion Graphics Make Info Easier to Digest
North York General Hospital
Hospital Wayfinding & Experience gets a Human-centred Design Approach
Niagara Health
Informing Built Environments with Patient Journey Mapping
LandPass, Rigel Properties Inc.
Making Private Land Accessible to Outdoor Enthusiasts through a Secure Digital Platform
User Experience & Gamification Improves Pain Management for Pediatric Cancer Patients
Roche Canada
A Compelling Visual Brand for a Global Neurosciences Event
Hamilton Health Sciences
A Clinical Intervention to Promote Behaviour Change in those with Cardiovascular Disease
Brock University
A Tool to Identify Early Warning Signs of Heart Disease
Montreal Jewish General Hospital
Infotility: An Educational and Supportive Infertility Treatment Companion App
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Giving Therapists a Tool to Prescribe Better Stroke Rehab Care
TD Visa
Design Research Leads to Better Customer Acquisition
Thomson Reuters
Improving the Digital UX for Investment Bankers
George Brown College
An Annual Report Showcasing the Value of Partnerships
Customer Personas Help Users Navigate Insurance Service Offerings
Being able to translate complex, scientific concepts into easy-to-digest words and images that can be understood and impart meaningful impact, such as behavioural change, is difficult. PIVOT does this with ease. They’ve developed simple phrases and likable characters, evocative content and stimulating graphics, and cleverly and strategically packaged them in a way that helps us deliver messages that change lives.”
Marketing Director, Canadian Digestive Health Foundation
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